click to chose a service

a) Hazard Map
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/map'
a.1a: list available models with maps, given a pair of coordinates (lon, lat)
a.1.b list available models with maps, given an area, e.g.:
sites between (lon/lat)=(-9,36) and (30,62)
-> format of URL parameter: coordinates=[[-9,36],[-9,62],[30,62],[30,36]]

a.1c list available models with maps, but explicitly check whether for this model, also hazard maps are available.
a.2 list IMTs with maps available, given model ID
a.3: list probability of exceedance and investigation timespan with maps available, given model ID and IMT
a.4: list site class with maps available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span
a.5: list aggregation types with maps available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span, site class
a.6: Relative path to the map, givenmodelid, imt, hmapexceedprob, hmapexceedyears, soilType, aggregationtype, aggregationlevel
a.x: Values within a specified rectangle of a the map with given modelid, imt, hmapexceedprob, hmapexceedyears, soilType, aggregationtype, aggregationlevel

b) Hazard Curve
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/curve'
b.1 list available models WITH CURVES, given a pair of coordinates
b.2 list IMTs with curves available, given model
b.3: Not needed: To list investigation time spans. Only curves with annual probability are shown or calculated.
b.4 list site class with curves available, given model, IMT
b.5 list aggregation types and levels with curves available, given model, IMT, site class.
b.7 Curve in NRML format (lon=7.6 lat=47.5 model id=71 imt=SA[0.10s] soiltype=rock aggregationtype=arithmetic aggregationlevel=0.5)

c) Spectra
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/spectra'
c.1 list available models with enough data for hazard spectra, given a pair of coordinates (e.g. lon=36, lat=38)
c.2 list IMTs with spectra available, given model
c.3: list probability of exceedance and investigation timespan with spectra available, given lon, lat, model and IMT
c.4: list site class with spectra available, given lon, lat, model ID, IMT, probability of exceedance, time span
c.5: list aggregation types and levels with spectra available, given lon, lat, modelID, PoE, time span, site class.
c.6: get the data for the hazard spectrum
?) Design Spectra
: get the data of the elastic design spectra EC8. (Values need to be cheked for correctness!)

d) Disaggregation
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/disaggregation'
d.1: list available models with disaggregations, given a pair of coordinates (lon, lat)
d.2 list IMTs with disaggregations available, given model ID
d.3: list probability of exceedance and investigation timespan with disaggregations available, given model ID and IMT
d.4: list site class with disaggregations available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span
d.5: list aggregation types with disaggregations available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span, site class
d.6: list datasets of available disaggregations, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span, site class, and aggragetiontype
d.7: Relative path to the disaggregations , givenmodelid, imt, hmapexceedprob, hmapexceedyears, soilType, aggregationtype, aggregationlevel, dataset

Models for some random sites that cover... single site: latitude=47.0 longitude=6.0 (correspondent a.1a) area between (lon/lat)=(1,1) and (65,47) (correspondent a.1b) area, from pole to pole, i.e. between (lon/lat)=(-90,-180) and (90,180)? (correspondent a.1b)
...not an area: invalid coordinates (lon/lat)=(-180,-90) and (180,90) (correspondent a.1b)

Old/Legacy services
Models for one single site(correspondent a.1a)
example: model ids for latitude=47.0 and longitude=6.0
Models for multiple sites that cover... (correspondent a.1b)
... sites in Europe and Africa, between (lon/lat)=(6,6) and (47,47)
example: imts for model id 1 (correspondent a.2)
example: poEs,timespans for modelid=1,imt=PGA (correspondent a.3)
example: Soil type for modelid=1 imt=PGA hmapexceedprob=20 poEtimespan=50 (correspondent a.4)
example: aggregation level and type for modelid=21 imt=PGA hmapexceedprob=0.02 poEtimespan=50 soiltype=rock (correspondent a.5)
example: Relative path to the map for modelid=21 imt=PGA hmapexceedprob=0.02 hmapexceedyears=50 soilType=rock aggregationtype=quantile aggregationlevel=0.5 (correspondent a.6)
example: Curve types for model with id=1 imt=PGA lon=6 lat=47 soiltype=rock
example: Curve for model with id=1 imt=PGA lon=6 lat=47 soiltype=rock aggregationtype=ordinal aggregationlevel=0.5

Use following links only if you want to test on a locally running application server.

Models for single site
example: model ids for latitude=47.0 and longitude=6.0

Models for multiple sites that cover...
... sites in Europe and Africa, between (lon/lat)=(6,6) and (47,47)
...a site in Africa
...a site in Europe
...sites between (lon/lat)=(1,1) and (65,47) there a model that covers all, from pole to pole, i.e. between (lon/lat)=(-90,-180) and (90,180)?
...invalid coordinates (lon/lat)=(-180,-90) and (180,90)?

Legacy services:
example: imts for model id 1
example: poEs,timespans for modelid=1,imt=PGA
example: Soil type for modelid=1 imt=PGA hmapexceedprob=20 poEtimespan=50
example: aggregation level and type for modelid=21 imt=PGA hmapexceedprob=0.02 poEtimespan=50 soiltype=rock
example: Relative path to the map for modelid=21 imt=PGA hmapexceedprob=0.02 hmapexceedyears=50 soilType=rock aggregationtype=quantile aggregationlevel=0.5
example: Curve types for model with id=1 imt=PGA lon=6 lat=47 soiltype=rock
example: Curve for model with id=1 imt=PGA lon=6 lat=47 soiltype=rock aggregationtype=ordinal aggregationlevel=0.5

a) Hazard Map
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/map'
a.1a: list available models with maps, given a pair of coordinates (lon, lat)
a.1.b list available models with maps, given an area, e.g.:
sites between (lon/lat)=(1,1) and (65,47)
-> format of URL parameter: coordinates=[[-9,36],[-9,62],[30,62],[30,36]]

a.1c list available models with maps, but explicitly check whether for this model, also hazard maps are available.
a.2 list IMTs with maps available, given model ID
a.3: list probability of exceedance and investigation timespan with maps available, given model ID and IMT
a.4: list site class with maps available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span
a.5: list aggregation types with maps available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span, site class
a.6: Relative path to the map, givenmodelid, imt, hmapexceedprob, hmapexceedyears, soilType, aggregationtype, aggregationlevel
a.x: Values within a specified rectangle of a the map with given modelid, imt, hmapexceedprob, hmapexceedyears, soilType, aggregationtype, aggregationlevel

b) Hazard Curve
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/curve'
b.1 list available models WITH CURVES, given a pair of coordinates
b.2 list IMTs with curves available, given model
b.3: Not needed: To list investigation time spans. Only curves with annual probability are shown or calculated.
b.4 list site class with curves available, given model, IMT
b.5 list aggregation types and levels with curves available, given model, IMT, site class.
b.6 'curve types' for model with id=71 imt=PGA lon=7.6 lat=47.5 soiltype=rock - soil type not needed
b.7 Curve in NRML format (lon=7.6 lat=47.5 model id=71 imt=PGA soiltype=rock aggregationtype=arithmetic aggregationlevel=0.5)

c) Spectra
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/spectra'
c.1 list available models with enough data for hazard spectra, given a pair of coordinates (e.g. lon=36, lat=38)
c.2 list IMTs with spectra available, given model
c.3: list probability of exceedance and investigation timespan with spectra available, given lon, lat, model and IMT
c.4: list site class with spectra available, given lon, lat, model ID, IMT, probability of exceedance, time span
c.5: list aggregation types and levels with spectra available, given lon, lat, modelID, PoE, time span, site class.
c.6: get the data for the hazard spectrum
?) Design Spectra
: get the data of the elastic design spectra EC8. (Values need to be cheked for correctness!)

d) Disaggregation
Examples for services in (servlet-)context of '/disaggregation'
d.1: list available models with disaggregations, given a pair of coordinates (lon, lat)
d.2 list IMTs with disaggregations available, given model ID
d.3: list probability of exceedance and investigation timespan with disaggregations available, given model ID and IMT
d.4: list site class with disaggregations available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span
d.5: list aggregation types with disaggregations available, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span, site class
d.6: list datasets of available disaggregations, given model ID, IMT, POE, time span, site class, and aggragetiontype
d.7: Relative path to the disaggregations , givenmodelid, imt, hmapexceedprob, hmapexceedyears, soilType, aggregationtype, aggregationlevel, dataset